the Paisley Schwa

Saying something witty here is way overrated. But then again, so is rebelling against saying something witty. What a quandry.


Egg Zam.

I managed to take two of the three of my exams. For those of you keen on math skills, that leaves one for either Thursday or Friday. The Bible exam was objective in format, consisting of either matching or multiple choice. I find that I thrive on this format. It seems that I have enough Bible content rattling around in my brain that I can pick the right answer from a list. I'm not sure I would have felt as confident about it if I would have had to pull the answers straight from my brain. This is probably what my oral exams will be like (if I pass the written ones!) Because of the objective format, I was able to finish in about 20 minutes.

I must say that I could not identify Shalmanesser. Can you blame me?

The theology exam was a bit more challenging. The format was mixed, including some short answer and essay questions. I took the whole three hours alotted for it. I feel that I did well, although I always think of stuff that I could have added, or got completely wrong after I hand the test in. The Scottish Presbyterian John Knox wrote a book called The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, which I called 'THE LAST BLAST'. There were also some glitches giving the right date range for certain people.

I was a bit shady on specfic wording of questions having to do with the Westminster Confession. I think I got in the ballpark on the concepts. There was one question that I really had no idea on with regard to the Confession. I put SOME answer in the blanks, because I know for sure that I won't get credit for leaving it blank.

As I've come to realize, FIRSTS for me are usually quite paralyzing. The first time I have to do something new, or the first time a situation springs up on me, I tend to freeze. It was the same way with the exams. I felt a lot of anxiety because I had a ton of resources to study, but I wasn't sure how to narrow it down for the exams. If I have to take any of them over, I will feel much better going in, because I have a better idea about the types of material on the exams.

The only written exam left for me to take is the church polity (government) exam. I will be reading the Book of Order (BOO) (eeeek! I'm scared!) a few times and outlining the main concepts over the next 2-3 days, in an effort to take the exam on Thursday afternoon or Friday.

On an unrelated note, my pa is having that ORTHOwhatever knee surgery this morning. I have a nagging sense that we're entering into that phase of his life where his body is starting to wear out. That's a whole other thing...


  • At 8:09 PM, Blogger Matt Katzenberger said…

    Exams? What's this? I didn't know you were still taking classes.

  • At 7:40 AM, Blogger Chreeha said…

    Yep...those would be ordination exams, so I can be 'duly ordinated'...

  • At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't quite understand. I thought you were ordained. Who has to ordain you now?

    So you have been very busy lately I assume.



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