Just for laughs...

Circa 1990. My passport mug. It was issued in NOLA, by the way. There are those who think my profile pic might be a bit like an X-Files pic.
This passport pic was taken as I was preparing to go to London for the first time with the (then) Southwest Missouri State University Bruin Pride Band. We were going to be in the Lord Mayor of Westminster's New Year's Day parade. I had a total blast. I dropped my drum stick in a porta-potty just before the parade started. I saw things too wondrous for words on that trip. I love the UK.
This pic was also taken back in the day when my eyes could tolerate contact lenses. I pull it out when I need some shock value, or just a plain old laugh.
Enjoy. I do.
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
That's some nice hair Chreeha...do you have your chauffeurs licence pic (from driving the campus shuttle) to go along with it? Ah, back in the day at MSUSMSU...I'm so confused on where I graduated from.
At 10:57 AM,
JohnQuincyAddingMachine said…
That pic is the greatest. I've never seen u with hair! I also find the dropping of the drumstick into a toilet quite amusing. I hope the royalty of the UK were not disappointed. I remember the good old days when msu was called smsu (well, one year ago).
At 7:03 PM,
JohnQuincyAddingMachine said…
Hey, I just checked out your church web site. Nice job. Very nice. I liked the bio page. I demand to see the photo gallery section updated!
At 4:58 PM,
Matt Katzenberger said…
he he, great pic.
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