the Paisley Schwa

Saying something witty here is way overrated. But then again, so is rebelling against saying something witty. What a quandry.


The Great Democratization of Opinion...

I love the a very real, but qualified way.

Take blogging, for instance. With a blog, I can publish some of the things I think about. I can tell folks who don't know a single thing about me what I think about a certain subject or idea.

What qualifies me to have a blog? Well, a computer and internet connection. That's all. No particular schooling in a specialized subject. I can drone about the finer points of quantum physics will little or no knowledge of the subject at hand.

What qualifies me to be a BRAIN SURGEON? Years of schooling and training.

I can 'publish' my thoughts...doesn't that sound official?

Now, I am wondering what the net affect of this newly-found 'self importance' has on the way I view my opinions...does it lend a sort of silent legitimacy to them?

What thinkest thou?



Just for kicks...

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